The Simplest Bitcoin Book Ever Written
Sadly, these are real, and happen daily with 'cryptos/tokens' other than bitcoin.
There are various iterations, but one of the most common types is the following:
Token Created: A new crypto token gets made. Far easier than it sounds, anyone can do it in minutes.
Website: Usually, a shiny, flashy website is created to make the token seem legitimate.
Paid Phenomena: People pay to advertise on social media, like Telegram.
Paid Inner Groups: Leaders of certain groups are given information, and these groups pay a monthly or yearly fee to access 'content'.
Pre-Launch: Leaders of paid phenomena and paid inner groups buy at the lowest price.
Launch: The token is released by these leaders, and they tell their followers, "Buy now!"
Pumping: Followers rush in early, causing the price to rise quickly.
The rising price encourages normal people to buy in, thinking it's a good investment.