White Paper
Presented to the world on metzdowd.com 2008-10-31
by Satoshi Nakamoto
A pseudonymous cypherpunk, who last communicated with the cypherpunk community on the bitcointalk.org forum on 2010-12-10.
By leaving, he allowed Bitcoin to be a true experiment in the wild. Everyone who works on it is a volunteer in some sense <-> inspired by the potential of freeing humanity from the shackles of a manipulated, debt-based money system, and instead, participating in a global, trustless, permissionless, censorship-resistant, truly scarce, peer-to peer, decentralized money and monetary payment network, that is inspiring an emergent order to rise out of the fiat ashes
We are all Satoshi
The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks
~ Text of a headline from The Times of London, etched into the Bitcoin Genesis block by Satoshi Nakamoto on 2009-01-03