The Simplest Bitcoin Book Ever Written
TIMESTAMP ~ Stamps the time
Every block mined has a timestamp added to it.
This is for added security, immutability and to help establish
the difficulty adjustment
IMMUTABILITY ~ Cannot be changed.
This means the blockchain is 'set in digital stone'.
PROOF-OF-WORK (PoW) ~ Cryptographic proof that difficult work was
done to satisfy an algorithm.
Miners use the PoW algorithm to prove they have used a lot of
computational power via electricity (work), in order to achieve
consensus in a decentralized manner, and to prevent corrupt actors
from spamming the network.
PUBLIC KEY CRYPTOGRAPHY ~ A process that creates the digital keys
to access your bitcoins.
This is a system whereby two keys are created through a
cryptographic algorithm.
One key is public - Like your bank account number, that you can
give people to send bitcoin to you for goods, gifts or services.
The other key is private - Only you have a copy, and you use it
to unlock access to your bitcoin, just as a password unlocks
your online bank account.
You must secure your private key very well, since anyone who has
access to it has access to your bitcoin.